Episode 5

June 29, 2023




Jun 29 2023 | 00:36:03


Show Notes

Michael and Holly complain about the woes of pedestrian traffic. Discussions include rude behavior found amongst peers; Walkers who text; Stopping abrubtly in the flow of traffic; Lines at the store; Bikers on the sidewalk; Subway filth; and the hardship of the daily commute 


Kalinka: By Muza Production 

La Campanella: Composer: Franz Liszt Composition: La Campanella COPYRIGHT FREE RECORDS

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm hearing noise. Speaker 1 00:00:01 I'm hearing a lot of, Speaker 0 00:00:04 Yeah. Hmm. Um, ah, there we go. Speaker 1 00:00:11 Oh my God. Smooth. Perfect. Terrific. Wonderful. Speaker 0 00:00:14 I think it was taking from here, Speaker 1 00:00:16 From like the bag. Speaker 0 00:00:17 Say something. Huh? Speaker 1 00:00:19 Has that been like for all of our podcasts? Speaker 0 00:00:22 Maybe. Speaker 1 00:00:23 Maybe we just solved like a serious huge Speaker 0 00:00:26 Uhhuh. I think we did a huge Speaker 1 00:00:29 Thing. Speaker 0 00:00:29 Yeah, I think we did. I think we did. Speaker 1 00:00:31 I'm glad that I helped with that. I'm really glad. Speaker 0 00:00:34 Um, um, um, um, give me, what's your range? Speaker 1 00:00:39 This is my sort of melodic, let me know if you wanna stop in this car and get a ride and get a coffee. This is more just like my normal speaking voice, just kind of sitting here chatting with the girls and this is me if I'm pissed off. Speaker 0 00:00:53 Okay. It's Speaker 1 00:00:54 Good. Speaker 0 00:00:55 All right. So welcome back to the podcast. Has Speaker 1 00:00:58 It been recording this whole time? Uhhuh. Oh my God. Hello. Welcome back everybody. Good to see you again. We are going to start off this pride celebration by opening this bottle of Prosecco. I got sparkling rose. You Speaker 0 00:01:10 Look so funny with your knees closed like that <laugh> Speaker 2 00:01:14 Here. Wait, can you No. Speaker 0 00:01:16 Working. It looks silly. Yeah, you do. And that's why don't worry, I won't post it. Speaker 2 00:01:22 Three, two. Speaker 0 00:01:24 Oh fuck. Get it off the wires. Get it off the wires. Speaker 1 00:01:27 Oh my God. This rose. Oh my God. Speaker 2 00:01:31 Okay, we're good. We're good. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:01:34 Can you pass me a glass? What? Speaker 0 00:01:36 Yeah. What perturbs you? Speaker 1 00:01:38 It has recently come to my attention that people who walk among us in society, it could be a neighbor, it could be a loved one. They feel that it's comfortable for them to walk over to somebody when they're in the middle of a private conversation with another person and completely direct their energy to one of the people and start a conversation that has nothing to do with person C. I'm wondering why people think that's okay. Why people think that's appropriate. Speaker 0 00:02:06 Like if you're speaking to Barbara, right? Jessica comes over and starts a conversation with Barbara while you're having a conversation, Speaker 1 00:02:13 Right? So if with Barbara, Jessica wanted to join me and Barbara's conversation all for it, wonderful. You know what I mean? Let me give you an example. Let me set the scene. I'm at work, I'm talking to my fellow bartender having a lovely conversation. We're talking, we're talking, we're talking. Kid comes over to me, completely ignores the existence of the human being I'm talking to and just starts asking me questions. What kind of jewel is that? How much was it? Where did you go? The whole time? I'm ignoring him. Cuz what happens when you do that is you put the person in his situation, me being the person where no matter how I handle the situation that you put me in, I am an asshole because either I completely blatantly ignore you or I disrespect the person that I'm having a conversation with by turning my attention while they're in the middle of talking away from what they're saying to give you attention. Okay? Speaker 0 00:03:04 But they deserve that. They deserve for you to be disrespectful to them. Speaker 1 00:03:08 And that's exactly what I did. I could see that he was visibly offended that I was ignoring him. But no, it's offensive to the person I'm talking to that you think I'm just gonna ignore and abandon the conversation I'm in the middle of to give you a little bit of attention. Absolutely not. And it's not the first time. Speaker 0 00:03:22 It's a lack of social awareness. I've had it happen to me where someone comes up and talks to the person that I'm talking to and I'm like, okay, I guess my voice doesn't matter. Right? Speaker 1 00:03:33 Fuck you. That's what it says. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. What they really mean is, I hate you when I wish you didn't exist. That's what it's giving Speaker 0 00:03:40 You completely don't exist to them already enough that they're willing to start a conversation with someone that you're already talking to. Speaker 1 00:03:47 It's one thing to go, excuse me, sorry to interrupt. I have a question. Also. Speaker 0 00:03:50 What are you supposed to do then? If someone comes up and talks to whoever you're talking to? How are you supposed to respond? Are you supposed to ha ha ha. Yeah. I'm also part of this conversation. I was originally part of this conversation, although, but it because it forces you out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it forces you out. So you either have to try to force your way back in and act like an idiot trying to do so or walk away. But that's so mean. Speaker 1 00:04:11 It's so mean. And I'm telling you guys, it could be a neighbor, it could be a friend, it could be a loved one. These people, they walk among us. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> people that think that that's normal behavior. You couldn't even spot them in a crowd. They exist among us. So watch out, observe your behavior. Observe the people around you's behavior. Make sure that you are not that person. And also, if you love someone and they're that person, go ahead and call them out. Do the world a favor. Call them out. Make them look inward. Mm-hmm. Speaker 0 00:04:39 <affirmative>. And you know what? Maybe we should do it like, Hey bitch, I was talking here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, that might make it easier cuz I'm not in a position to give anyone advice. I'm giving myself the advice out loud to just be like, Hey, ha ha ha, I was in the middle of a conversation. Speaker 1 00:04:55 That's a good way to do it. In a way that makes everybody in the room comfortable. I'm in the business of making you feel uncomfortable because I'm uncomfortable. You put me in an uncomfortable Speaker 0 00:05:04 Situation. You're right. They deserve it. They deserve it. They Speaker 1 00:05:06 Deserve to sit there and wonder why isn't he responding? Why is he blatantly ignoring me? Wanna know why? Because I'm in the middle of a conversation. Speaker 0 00:05:13 Okay. But what if you were on the other end? If Speaker 1 00:05:15 I was talking to someone and someone else came over to that person mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'd be pissed off. I'd be pissed off. That rarely happens cuz usually I'm the center of attention. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:23 But what would, what would you say? Would you try to make them uncomfortable or would you, cuz you could, wouldn't be in the position of ignoring. Right. Speaker 1 00:05:30 I would probably just sit there bitter and be like, what the hell? I'm just, I'm in the middle of a weirdness. Uhhuh, Speaker 0 00:05:36 <affirmative>. I usually just walk away. But I do remember it happening in high school once I was talking to a friend and then another friend and a mutual friend came up, grabbed the arm of the friend I was talking to. I'm like, come here. Like I wanna blah, blah, blah. And I literally got so angry that the world started spinning. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And the thing is, I can't say her name so it's not like I can just like say it, but I was like, da da. I was literally just having a conversation. I don't usually do that, but I was like that angry <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:06:03 There's smoke coming out of your ears. There's like a visual that happens in the person's head of, I I wanna wrap my hands around your neck and strangle you. You know, it's Speaker 0 00:06:12 Very weird. It's Speaker 1 00:06:13 So weird. It's so rude. Speaker 0 00:06:15 It comes down to people not knowing how to communicate properly. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:18 Because he would Okay. Cuz he would ask a question. Wait, Speaker 0 00:06:20 Do you work with him? Yes. Is he gonna know it's him? Speaker 1 00:06:23 I don't think he, um, knows how to read. Um, I was in the middle of a conversation. He asked me a question blatantly ignored. A second goes by, he would repeat himself. I guess he thought I didn't hear him. I ignored Another question would go by. He would try to ask a question. He would change the words around a little. Maybe I didn't understand the question he would ask again, ignored. This went on for a good two minutes before something shiny happened on the other side of the room that he was distracted by and went, ran over there. <laugh> crazy. Speaker 0 00:06:49 It's so annoying. I completely agree. A little social awareness. It happens once in a while, but when it happens, it's just one too many. Speaker 1 00:06:56 Hello. Once is once too much. Speaker 3 00:06:57 Oh my God. We're rolling. If she stops now, she's never gonna finish goddamn door up. I will fuck you up. I'll literally fuck. We're fine. The jobs, the economy. Speaker 4 00:07:23 Um, he has some, he has issues. Um, do Speaker 3 00:07:26 I need to tone it down? I need to tone everything down. Speaker 0 00:07:30 So what are we talking about today, Michael? Well, Speaker 1 00:07:32 Let's get into this glass of wine first. Ready? Ah, <laugh>. Our topic today is pedestrian traffic. You heard me? Pedestrian traffic. I'm not talking cars. I'm not talking airplanes. I'm not talking sex traffic. I'm talking pedestrian traffic. We live in New York City and um, it's a pedestrian city. People walk to work, they take the train, they take the bus, a hustle and bustle on the sidewalk every day. And with that comes a set of law and order. Speaker 0 00:08:05 But there is no law and order. Speaker 1 00:08:07 It seems that there is no law in order. No. Um, and there needs to be. Some people live according to the rules of society. Speaker 0 00:08:14 The ones who are miserable and who are trying to get from point A to point B live by the Speaker 1 00:08:18 Rules. They're the ones like, I live by the rules. If I have to answer a text message, I don't stop wherever I am. I pull myself over to the sidewalk so I could let the traffic go through. Think of yourself as if you're a driver on the road. Don't think of yourself as a wanderer because you're not, you know, you're part of a bloodstream here on the sidewalk and, um, it's rushing on without We're with you. So, especially Speaker 0 00:08:40 Like sometimes they're on the stairs, there's a level of desperation I feel in me like, please go move Speaker 1 00:08:46 Because I'm doing everything I can to get from point A to point B as fast and efficiently as possible while not being an asshole. I'm aware of my surroundings when I walk. I know what's happening behind me. I know what's happening in front of me. I know what's happening to the left, to the right of me. I make decisions not only based on my selfish needs of how to get somewhere, but also keeping the flow of traffic in mind. Making sure that I'm not stepping out right into somebody's path. Making sure that I'm not halting in the middle of my path. Making the person behind me stop. A Speaker 0 00:09:16 Lot of times you can't just walk around them because there's congestion. It accumulates like actual traffic. And I'm getting more aggressive these days. I'm literally feeling urges, violent urges inside of me. I Speaker 1 00:09:29 Have become a New York City stereotype of like, I'm walking here. Like I, it just, it blows my mind because it says so much more than just you don't know how to walk on the sidewalk. It says that you have no care about your role in society and how you affect other people. It says you have nos spatial awareness as to what's going on around you. Speaker 0 00:09:49 I'm gonna be honest, I have zero spatial awareness. Um, and I probably have done that shit multiple times. Look Speaker 1 00:09:56 Inward. Speaker 0 00:09:57 It's like road rage. I also will do some shit and then get mad about it. <laugh>, right? I've had my moments of being like, oh fuck, I'm like a nuisance right now and I need to keep going. And then I've had my moments where I'm like, please, I can't get around you. You're being slow and yeah, you're right. When there's two people walking slowly next to each other, Speaker 1 00:10:14 Side by side, Speaker 0 00:10:15 It's a two-way street. There's others I would have to get in the way of people coming towards me. Speaker 1 00:10:20 I'm crossing over into the lane. Speaker 0 00:10:22 That's a hazard. A Speaker 1 00:10:23 Head-on collision. <laugh>, I'm aggressive. Couples are the worst people to be on the sidewalk because they're in lala land. They're holding hands. They're, I understand that you're on a date. You wanna hold hands and walk slowly. I understand that. Um, go somewhere else. Don't walk down the crowded sidewalk, leisurely holding hands, side by side, spreading out, taking up the whole sidewalk. Single file line people. Let's hurry the fuck up. I get that you're living in this fantasy. Um, I'm not get outta my way. Do you know what I mean? Uhhuh. <affirmative>, they're always on the staircase. Like, ooh, trying to make sure they look sexy, walking up the staircase. Hurry, you gotta put some oomph in it. I need to see you running Uhhuh. And they're heels, they're, oh no. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:11:04 Run. I'm trying to get to work. I hate when people have like a big purse on them or something. It's big enough that I can't really get around without twisting my body. Mm-hmm <affirmative> to walk through. Speaker 1 00:11:15 I think it's ignorant. People who just think, fuck everyone else, I'm gonna hold someone's hand and just stop and kiss them when there's five people walking behind me. It's people Speaker 0 00:11:26 Who are too happy. Speaker 1 00:11:27 Yes. That's exactly what it is. I'm miserable and bitter. I got places to go. I wanna get there quick. You are holding hands with someone, making out with someone. You're enjoying yourself so you're taking your time. Don't do that. Speaker 0 00:11:36 Please. I just had a long day of work or I'm rushing to work because it's all my fault, but I need to get to work. Right? I have an hour of commute ahead of me Speaker 1 00:11:46 And they all need to adjust to make it easier for us. I understand you're happy. Oh you're walking with your toddler, you're with your grandma. I'm in a rush bitch. Get the fuck outta my way. Speaker 0 00:11:56 One time I was walking up the steps out of a platform into the hallways. It was 42nd street. So I was walking up the steps. Everyone's just stopped walking. And I look up the line and I see someone at the top of the stairs just looking around like where do I go? I went, go. Um, what are you doing? You're stopping a full line of people dead in their tracks in the stairs. You don't feel the presence of a group of people behind you. You Speaker 1 00:12:23 Don't feel that hatred on your shoulders. That judgment weighing down upon you. You don't feel that. Don't Speaker 0 00:12:27 Stop at the top of the stairs. Don't Speaker 1 00:12:29 Stop on the stairs. Ever. Get to the top. Take a few steps in one direction, then you could stop. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:12:34 I also do sympathize with the tourists who are in the city. Like I do get it. I understand that. It's just so fast paced that, Speaker 1 00:12:42 But that goes back to spatial awareness because I understand, you know, you don't know where you're going. You're not gonna be walking quickly. You wanna stop. You wanna take in the view. You want to take pictures, pull over to the sidewalk. Speaker 0 00:12:52 No, but sometimes it's like if you're getting out of the subway train you have to transfer but you don't know where you're going next. Alright, well like you don't wanna, it does suck to have to be in the bloodstream when you don't know for sure that that's the direction you need to be going in. And I sympathize. I do. I don't for me, when I'm running late, which is usually uh, I'm frustrated Speaker 1 00:13:11 Because yes, I take the train every day. I didn't grow up here. There was a first for me, but I had the intuition to get out of the subway station. Take a right, take a few steps out of the direction of the staircase that are flowing, herds of people out of it. Let me step to the side and then you could look down at your phone and get directions. Who Speaker 0 00:13:30 The fuck knows what we're breathing in? Not fresh oxygen. No, there's no trees down there. None. Just breath bacteria. Maybe some dead bodies. All Speaker 1 00:13:40 Those posters that are up being like dangerous chemical was just added to the subway to kill the rats. Rodenticide. I don't know what's worse. The rats are this chemical. Sometimes Speaker 0 00:13:48 It smells like Pepto bismal. It's extremely unpleasant foul. You gotta get in and you gotta get out. Quick, quick, Speaker 1 00:13:54 Quick, quick, quick, quick. This isn't romantic, this isn't fun. This isn't fun. If you're a 98 year old woman, I'll give you some grace. Take your time. If you are an able bodied 24 year old, you better put some fucking pep in your step. And if you wanna take your time again following the rules of pedestrian traffic, the law and order, let's normalize creating a slow lane and a fast lane for walkers. Cuz I understand you wanna walk slow. You are now forcing everyone else behind you to walk slow. So step to the side. Take your time, Speaker 1 00:14:30 Raise your hand if you think dodging for your life out of the path of a full speed vehicle is an activity that you think should be happening on sidewalks every day. Keep that hand up if you think it's normal for vehicles to remain on the road at all times. There's no reason motorcycles should be jutting back and forth in my direction on the sidewalk. There's no reason I should be thrust into flight reaction and dodging delivery drivers on a sidewalk. Um, get your motorcycle off the sidewalk. There's a road for a reason. Do you think it's normal Holly? For a motorcycle to be full speed down a sidewalk with people on it, it's Speaker 0 00:15:06 Very scary to hear something coming at you full speed from behind you. It's like Speaker 1 00:15:11 Whoa, whoa. I have a moment of I'm making eye contact with a delivery driver on a motorcycle speeding towards me and a head on collision on the sidewalk. And I think to myself, I'm on a sidewalk. I'm gonna stand my ground. I'm gonna let this person have to stop and go around me and they don't stop. They will just drop until you are in flight or fight mode. Jumping out of the way of a vehicle on the sidewalk. Speaker 0 00:15:31 I did for a while when I was too afraid I was riding my bike on the sidewalk. Cuz it's just scary being on the road on a bike because cars come up behind you, they have to go around. You kind of stinks but like it's fine. It's environmentally friendly so get over it now. I just don't look now I'm just like, you better like not hit me <laugh>. Also, why isn't anyone enforcing this? Speaker 1 00:15:50 Right? We get off the sidewalk. This is a sidewalk. This is Speaker 0 00:15:53 Your bike is fast enough, you can be on the road Speaker 1 00:15:56 And they're the first to be on your left, on your right. No, you should be on the road <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:16:01 Yeah. Yeah. I dunno if this is really pedestrian traffic concerning. It causes me a lot of anxiety. This situation, I don't know what the fuck they are. Donation tables usually in Manhattan. Speaker 1 00:16:18 The ones that are like, hi, I like your haircut. Do you have a minute? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:16:21 But they are aggressive. They're Speaker 1 00:16:23 Very aggressive. Speaker 0 00:16:24 Even when I avoid eye contact when I'm a block away, they're still screaming at me. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:16:29 That's the thing. They get you when you're approaching Uhhuh. It's not like you walk past and they're like, excuse me. They'll watch you approach while talking to you while you're approaching. So you have that minute of solid eye contact. There's Speaker 0 00:16:39 Zero guilt in it. It's so weird. It's, and Speaker 1 00:16:41 They're always like incredibly pleasant. Good morning. Your hair is looking extra amazing today, sir. You look like a fun guy. Do you have? I'm like, shut up. Get outta my way. What I always say is I'm late to work and I keep walking and you'd think someone would go, oh he is late to work. Yes. Summer. They still are like, I'll only take a minute Speaker 0 00:16:58 Whenever that happens. I'm like, no, I'm busy, I'm busy. Please, no, you're begging because I get it, that's your job. But no one should have that job Speaker 1 00:17:06 <laugh>. It shouldn't exist. Speaker 0 00:17:07 And even if they shut up after you walk away, I don't wanna have to feel guilty for blatantly ignoring a human being, but you're gonna try to suck me in. You have a whole script that you're gonna say to me, no, I'm trying to get somewhere. I do not wanna stop for this. Whatever it is. Speaker 1 00:17:23 The first time it happened to me, I was walking guy around my age, very attractive, handsome man was like, hi, your hair is really beautiful sir. I thought I was pulling some trait. I was like, oh thank you. Stop. I thought he was just genuinely a stranger. Just starting a conversation. He smiles at me and kids are dying of cancer every day in this country. I was like, okay, bye. You know I was pissed off. Yeah, yeah. It's manipulation tactics. It's thievery. Speaker 0 00:17:49 Yeah. When they do that, it is very like, okay, you said that just to get my attention. Fuck you. Great. I know that you're just playing a game here. Speaker 1 00:17:56 I'm not some pawn in your scheme. I'm not some whore you can just whore Speaker 0 00:18:01 Out. Sometimes they're like, thanks for chatting. Like they're a little resentful. You can hear them yelling down. All right, have a nice day. When I've just blatantly ignored them and walked past them. Petty. And I just feel so like why was I the victim? Right? I was just one in the crowd. Why me? Speaker 1 00:18:17 Wanna know why? Because we're very approachable. I'll watch them ignore 12 people and then I walk past and they're like, good morning. I'm like, no, no, no. I look approachable but I'm not. Speaker 0 00:18:26 Maybe it's cuz everyone has AirPods on that's like a savior, Speaker 1 00:18:30 You know? Ooh, that's a good point. Not to be like Grandma Myrtle. I'm becoming Grandma Myrtle because I look around sometimes and I'm like everyone is on their phone. I don't think I've seen anyone look up from their phone in the past 45 minutes. I'm the only person on this train car right now that's not looking at their phone. Which like it's no problem. Feel free to look down at your phone. It's just like whoa. It's everyone. It's Speaker 0 00:18:52 To the point that it looks creepy of you. Speaker 1 00:18:54 It's so creepy Speaker 0 00:18:55 Of you, of Speaker 1 00:18:56 Me <laugh>. I know. That's the thing cuz everyone is looking down at your phone and I'm not, Speaker 0 00:19:00 You don't do anything on the subway. Speaker 1 00:19:02 I feel pressure to like look at my phone. There's nothing for me to look at right now. For me personally, scrolling through TikTok and stuff is a personal private activity. I don't feel the need to play TikTok out loud under any circumstance in a public setting or scroll through my Instagram feed in a public setting. That's alone time things. Also, I'm not texting anyone, so what am I gonna do? Look at the clock app. Speaker 0 00:19:23 It's so weird when I go on the subway with you because you literally just sit fully straight blank face just looking at nothing. Speaker 1 00:19:31 I disassociate, Speaker 0 00:19:32 I will point out that I'm sure back in the day everyone was reading newspapers on the subway. Well Speaker 1 00:19:37 I dunno how to read. So Speaker 0 00:19:38 Yes you do. You're just a lazy piece of shit. <laugh> <laugh>, everyone's reading newspapers now it's just people have articles on their phones. Speaker 1 00:19:45 Oh do we really believe they're looking at articles on their phone? No, they're looking at ash shaking on TikTok. I Speaker 0 00:19:49 A hundred percent believe a lot of them are. Well Speaker 1 00:19:51 Cause you are looking down at your phone. I'm looking at other people's phones. I see what these bitches are up to. It's ass shaking. It's makeup tutorials and it's fine. I scroll through TikTok too. I'm not being like, no TikTok, no cell phones. It's just wild to me. Speaker 0 00:20:04 I think it's wild that you have an hour of a ride every day, two hours there and back and you just sit there and stare. I like Speaker 1 00:20:12 To look around. I like to see, we live in New York City, you know I could see people, I could see places, I could see things. I could see fashion. I could see culture. Why would I wanna look at my cell phone when I could do that in bed? Because Speaker 0 00:20:23 Why would you wanna waste time in your bed looking at your phone if you have to waste time in the subway? I mean I think it's cool what you do because you're like experiencing reality. That's Speaker 1 00:20:32 The thing. I feel like no one's experiencing reality, but Speaker 0 00:20:34 It's every single day of an hour of a commute there and back. Why would I read an article elsewhere when I could do other things? It's the time that you're there anyways. You might as well use it for bullshit things. And I don't use it for bullshit things usually. I know a lot of people are reading books. No, Speaker 1 00:20:51 A lot of people are reading books. Speaker 0 00:20:52 Some people are watching shows. It's the perfect time to do that shit. Speaker 1 00:20:56 Okay. I'll also say this again, not to be Grandma Myrtle, but if you are watching a show or going through TikTok, please use headphones, especially TikTok because the thing is, it's repeating audio. If you're watching a video over and over and over and over again cuz it happens and I'm just hearing some audio replaying and replaying and replaying. I'm, I'm being driven to the point of insanity from you sitting next to me. Speaker 0 00:21:18 That's annoying. Or there's people who walk through the subway with their whole fucking radio on their shoulder. Speaker 1 00:21:24 I don't really mind the radio thing because I like it if I'm just sitting there. Dissociating music actually is nice, but I don't want to hear your TikTok audio if you're playing a song that's lovely. Speaker 0 00:21:33 Oh no, I completely disagree because I feel like whenever you walk through with your speakers, you're just trying to get attention and I'm not in the fucking mood. I'm trying to read my shit and you're trying to get attention. I Speaker 1 00:21:43 Feel like it depends on the song. If you're playing a song, fine, but like this one time the song was literally like, oh fuck Speaker 0 00:21:49 Someone, I will murder Speaker 1 00:21:51 Somebody. I was like, I don't know if this is necessarily a pleasant vibe right now. I don't know if it's the mood. It's Speaker 0 00:21:57 Usually aggressive I feel like cuz it's like adds to the fact that this person wants to be seen. Obviously you wanna be seen, you know you're walking around with a whole ass speaker on your shoulder. You Speaker 1 00:22:06 Can tell the different like when someone's playing their music and it's nice, it's lovely. But if someone's blasting music, it's different If someone's just playing music out loud. It's one thing if the whole train car is vibrating because your speaker is poofing, it's too much. Speaker 0 00:22:21 But I feel like it's just weird behavior for you to think that everyone else wants to listen to your music. Speaker 1 00:22:25 It's a little weird but I, I think it bothers me so much less than the TikTok audio. I would much rather hear someone's music than hear stupid TikTok audio. Didn't, oh I can't get copyrighted <laugh>. Wanna know what it looks like to me as someone who doesn't use the, and I'm not anti phone on the train. If I get a text I'll respond but I'm not gonna go out of my way to stare at my screen the whole time. Um, putting that out there. Also what it looks like to me as someone who's not on their phone when everyone else is, it looks like the SpongeBob movie when the chum buckets are on everyone's head and they're like plankton. I Speaker 0 00:22:57 Get what you mean. Cuz it's like all robotic. Speaker 1 00:22:59 And then cuz it's usually me and old people so it's usually just like me and then some old lady and we're the only ones not on our phones and usually there's a smile and a nod. Have a nice day. You're missing out on all those little human interactions. You're missing out on, oh I like your outfit. Oh I like your Speaker 0 00:23:13 Hair. I'm not about to sit on the train for a whole fucking hour doing nothing. Just to have a nod with one person. Speaker 1 00:23:20 <laugh>. And again, I'm not doing it for that. I just personally feel I'm not like I really want to use my phone but I can't because I'm, I just don't feel the need Speaker 0 00:23:28 And I just disagree with your method of existing <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:23:32 I got on the train, I disassociate and then I come to when my stop is there and I guess that's what phones are. I just feel like, first of all I don't have the battery life for that. I don't have the storage for that. I hate texting people and like I said, I'm not gonna scroll through TikTok in public cuz my for you page is a little wild. Speaker 0 00:23:49 I mean you could read Wikipedia. Speaker 1 00:23:51 Yeah, but I'm not doing that. You know that I'm not doing that If I knew how to read. Sure. Speaker 0 00:23:56 You do know how to read. Speaker 1 00:23:57 I know how to read someone a filth. I love sitting in my room and watching YouTube. I love sitting on the train and not staring down at my phone. Speaker 0 00:24:04 And it's okay for us to disagree. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:24:06 <laugh>, I feel like you're not a YouTube girl. Speaker 0 00:24:10 No. Maybe once in a while if I hear some drama on a podcast or something, I try to find the actual video. But there's a lot of bullshit on there. You get those stupid people being like, here's what happened and there are fucking on their little fucking stupid little square screen while the video's going on and they're talking about it and making comments on it. Don't mislead me into thinking that I'm just watching this video. Speaker 1 00:24:33 I hate reaction videos. I don't care about an episode of something with you in the corner going whoa damn. Speaker 0 00:24:40 Like you're the worst kinda person. Like you're really putting it out there and making it seem like the person's gonna get the raw footage. Then you're just sitting there commenting on it. Like I don't wanna watch that. People who take time at the register while the line is accumulating. I don't know whatever's going down. It's conflicting emotions for me cuz you never really know. Sometimes I can see the guilt and the persons basically know what they're doing and they know that they would be as upset. So I feel annoyed but also sympathy for the person. Sometimes you can hear someone like, well do this. And they're like purposely taking a long ass fucking time and the lines accumulating and it's like ugh, Speaker 1 00:25:21 I have so many opinions about this. Um, I disagree with you. Don't fucking rush me bitch. First of all, I used to be a cashier in the suburbs. It's a little different here in New York City. I learned that real quick. And the suburbs, you take your time. First of all, I worked there, I had to bag your groceries for you. I had to put them into your cart. I had a conversation with you, blah blah blah. I'm not expecting all that but I'm not expecting to. They ring you up. They don't even think about bagging your shit. They throw everything on the end of the thing. You are bagging it. You total all of my shit's still sprawled out. I have to go through my pocket, give it to you and then before I even have time to breathe, the next person's stuff is being sent down the line. I'm still bagging my groceries, my money's out. I'm not just gonna throw the money in the bag. I wanna fold it back into my pocket. Speaker 0 00:26:04 I 100% agree. Okay, good. I 100% agree because I'm Speaker 1 00:26:09 Like, what is this? Speaker 0 00:26:09 Especially when it's the person who's working there, you have a number of hours. There's no reason you need to be rushing me. Why do you need to push everyone through? The line's just gonna keep coming throughout the day. Just let me put my money back in my wallet. If I'm using cash now I have changed. Just gimme a second. They Speaker 1 00:26:25 Throw the money into your hands. The quarter's rolling down the metal thing. All of my food is not in the bag yet. And like I said, I worked there. I had to bag people's groceries for them. They wouldn't bag their own groceries and I'm not expecting you to, as a matter of fact, I would prefer to bag my own groceries because I know your dumb ass is gonna put my bread on the bottom of the bag and my cans on top of the bread and squish the bread. I know what I'm doing. So I would actually prefer to do my own bagging. However, don't rush me while I do it. You're sending down someone else's food. It's getting mixed into mine. I have to shuffle through, make sure what's mine is mine and this new person is all in my shit. Fuck you. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, fuck you and fuck that person too. Because if I were that person I would go, oh take your time. You don't have to cuz I'm scrambling, rushing around. Anxiety. Take your time. Um, where is that? Where's that courtesy? Speaker 0 00:27:11 My thing was more just like if you're at like a CVS or a Walgreens or some shit and like there's a person there for a long time dealing with some shit and everyone in the line is waiting. Are you Speaker 1 00:27:20 Talking about like coupon vibe? Yeah. Yeah. That's a little different. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that's a little different. Mm-hmm Speaker 0 00:27:25 <affirmative>. If there's some sort of issue, then the percent of the register has to call the manager over. You have to then wait for the manager to come over. Standing there is so frustrating and everyone's getting jittery. I came out, I wanted to get one thing. Uh, now I've been standing here for 15 minutes cuz there's an issue with the register. I get angry but sometimes I see the person feeling very uncomfortable. Like they know what they're doing. So Speaker 1 00:27:47 I'm just happy I'm not them. Speaker 0 00:27:48 But then I'm not happy being the person in line. Speaker 1 00:27:50 Also if you have one item, you ran into CVS for a tube of toothpaste and the person in front of you has a cart full of things, um, the person in front of you should say you can go first. They should do they have to? Is it their moral obligation? No, but they should. Speaker 0 00:28:06 It's courtesy. Speaker 1 00:28:07 It's common courtesy. There's none of that left. Oh Speaker 0 00:28:10 You know what? Actually there is something left in New York City subways. You could literally walk into a train and go, is Speaker 1 00:28:17 This going Speaker 0 00:28:17 Uptown? Scream a question and someone will answer. I Speaker 1 00:28:21 Love being able to answer cuz I was that bitch for a long time. New Yorkers love knowing everything about New York. Yeah. So if you're asking, they are ready and armored with the answer. Is this the Speaker 0 00:28:32 Express train? Speaker 1 00:28:33 No. Go across this platform. Speaker 0 00:28:39 You know, it's a weird accepted thing that happens that I contribute to, to walk on the left of the stairs. You know you're the, the rule is stay to the right, just generally stay to the right. There's no Speaker 1 00:28:49 Rules. It seems there's no rule. The rules are out the window at this point. Speaker 0 00:28:53 Sometimes I'm going on the right and someone's coming at me getting in my way. I'm like come on. But like if people are going slow on the right side, I will go up the left side. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:03 Yeah, I will too. Honestly. Because there's always a greater than less than situation's never equal parts up and down the train just released a bunch of people and they're all walking up the steps and you're the only one walking down. I've been in that situation a lot of times and people just don't move outta your way. Like you guys have the entire people going up. They're in the majority. You're all rushing up the entire staircase. I'm a single body walking down the staircase. You'd expect people to move for me. No. They would rather me be trampled. Speaker 0 00:29:33 Yeah. When everyone's getting off the subway and you're going against the grain because it's coming from everywhere, they're spilling out. Mm-hmm You can't choose the right stairs. Speaker 1 00:29:43 Oh. And they're on their fucking phones so they're not even aware that there's someone in front of them walking down. They're just head down on their phone trudging up and I'm like hello? It's bucket hat, it's plankton, it's ew. Ew. That's what it is. Speaker 0 00:29:59 It's just hard. It's hard Speaker 1 00:30:04 Sometimes I think some, this is where my brain goes when I'm on the train. Sometimes I go, I wish for a week I was the only person on the planet. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:30:12 Dealing with the subway every day is a lot of, of an emotional burden. Speaker 1 00:30:17 It's so much Speaker 0 00:30:19 Really just to feel that level of anger and rage that's accumulating to violence. Speaker 1 00:30:25 <laugh>, I take the subway every day to go to work and go home. I never take the subway to like go out to a bar or do things at leisure. So every once in a while I do and I'm like this is actually nice. Like if I'm not rushing late, miserable. I'm like wait, this is nice. Um, I'm sitting here, I'm enjoying myself. But that's not usually how it goes. Usually I'm on my way to work so I'm already pissed off and then on top of it I'm late so I'm pissed off. I'm rushing. Everyone else is being an idiot. I'm pissed off. So am I The problem? Yes. Do I require everybody to adjust because I'm the problem? Yes. Would it make me happier if everybody just got some sense so my life could be easier? Absolutely. Speaker 0 00:31:08 Do I know for a fact that I would be less angry if I just left a little bit earlier? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Um, yeah but you know, I'll give myself this justification. Okay, it's an hour commute. Okay. It's an hour commute there and back. There's not a lot of time in the day I have to squeeze shit. That's just the unfortunate truth. Or no it's not <laugh>. No, it's the truth because if I just left on time, maybe I could bring whatever activity I need. No. But then also leaving at the same time doesn't always bring the same results. Speaker 1 00:31:46 No. Especially this subway. Please. Especially if on weekends please. Speaker 0 00:31:51 Oh god. And we're on the last stop. I don't know if this has to do with it being the last stop, but when I'm getting on the train at that stop, sometimes it's, we're waiting Speaker 1 00:31:59 For 15 minutes. Speaker 0 00:32:00 Yeah. The train's there and I'm sitting in the train and it is sitting there for 15 minutes. But Karen inside of me is like, who the fuck is running this shit? Speaker 1 00:32:10 I wanna know who's running it. Trained professionals who know what they're doing. But to us, let's go, let's get a show on the road. We're here. Speaker 0 00:32:16 Where's the manager? Where's Speaker 1 00:32:18 Your fucking can I talk to your manager? Because here's the deal. An hour commute turns an eight hour work shift into a 10 hour work shift and then you have to be ready. So take away another hour of getting dressed, getting ready. It's your whole day. Half of it seems to be the commute. Speaker 0 00:32:32 Half of it is breathing in rat shit and dead bodies from the dungeons. Speaker 1 00:32:36 Which last time I breathed in shit was my last trip to Fire Island. Oh. Speaker 0 00:32:41 Oh that's definitely makes New York City living tough. It makes it tough. It really puts a damper on this experience and this adventure. Speaker 1 00:32:50 Right, right. I always say, you know, there's certain sacrifices. Um, it's not all glitz and glam. Um, it's definitely one of the no-go. Speaker 0 00:32:57 It's the type of thing you know, you're gonna have to change your clothes before you sit on your bed cuz you were sitting on the seats in there. Um, you Speaker 1 00:33:06 May see a penis or two. Speaker 0 00:33:07 Don't make eye contact. You know, that's why people are so unpleasant because you never know if you make eye contact, you don't know what you're getting. The instinct becomes to just not make eye contact at all with anybody. Um, Speaker 1 00:33:20 Yeah, you don't make eye contact. This is what I do. I pick a spot on the floor or the wall and I just stare at it. And if someone walks, if their eyesight walks into that spot, I pick a new spot and it's a little of vice. It's not all scary. I don't wanna contribute to the New York is scary narrative and the subways are dangerous cause they're not. You know, I Speaker 0 00:33:37 Just feel like it's filthy. It's not as dangerous to me as it is filthy and disgusting. Right. And just suffocating. Um, maybe I'm not meant to be here, but it's better than the suburbs. Speaker 1 00:33:49 Oh, it's better than the suburbs. Yeah, but I miss driving. Um, oh yeah. The conversation's traffic. Oh, I miss driving. Driving is wonderful. I miss it so much. If you are listening in a car right now, take a lap around the block because you can take a right instead of a left next time because you can, Speaker 0 00:34:08 When the podcast finishes, Speaker 1 00:34:09 Replay it. If you're listening on your way to work, I'm sorry that you're going through that. Speaker 0 00:34:16 If you're rushing through a tunnel to get to your transfer train with your headphones in. I hope me and Michael here today brought a little bit of enjoyment to that. Um, Speaker 1 00:34:26 Happy pride fag. Speaker 0 00:34:28 Have fun out there. Not too much fun. Oh, Speaker 1 00:34:32 Oh, oh. Take care of yourselves. What are you gonna be doing This pride. Speaker 0 00:34:37 Nothing working. Love that. Um, buy yourself a Long Island iced tea for me. I haven't had one of those in a while. Get Speaker 1 00:34:43 A Long Island. I love a Long Island. I love Speaker 0 00:34:46 It. It just says tonight's gonna be fun. That's what that says. Speaker 1 00:34:49 If you're looking for bang for your buck, get a Long Island. Speaker 0 00:34:53 Do yourself a favor. Do that for me. Let us Speaker 1 00:34:57 <laugh> in apartment one R you know the deal by now. Okay? If you're one of the girls, you're one of the girls, you get it. We wanna know what pisses you off. We wanna know what perturbs you. We wanna know what rubs you the wrong way. What grinds your gears? What makes you look at someone and think, are you joking Speaker 0 00:35:12 Whether someone called themselves an empath to you today Speaker 1 00:35:15 Or a friend offered you a chair when you were just fine with sitting on the floor. Use Speaker 0 00:35:19 The hashtag, are you joking one R on Twitter? That's hashtag are you joking? One R on Twitter? So me and Michael can complain with you on the next episode. Or Speaker 1 00:35:29 If you're lazy like me, just leave a comment down on the Instagram page with the hashtag. Are you joking? One R Because we wanna hear what perturbs you, we want to hear what pisses you off. Cuz chances are we agree and if we don't agree, fuck you, <laugh>, <laugh>. So we're gonna go ahead and fuck off. Um, we're gonna fuck off. Um, stay safe. Use a condom. Love you mean it. Put on the chair. Put on Donna Summer. Bye bye. Bye.

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