Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello? Hi, <laugh>. Hi. Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good. What I've learned about myself is I have a very loud speaking voice, just in general, which
Speaker 1 00:00:12 I think is a good
Speaker 0 00:00:13 Thing. Yes, I think so too. Yeah. It's not a good thing when I'm trying to like be secretive or quiet, you know? But like o often in my life people are like, you know, you're screaming like, do you know that you're screaming? Do you know that I heard you from outside. Welcome back to another episode of What Goes Down in One R with your hosts, Michael Crow and
Speaker 1 00:00:30 Holly Goldsmith. Now
Speaker 0 00:00:32 It feels a little weird to introduce Hamza as a guest because this is Apartment one R, and although he doesn't pay rent, you would very much believe he lives here. <laugh>. Yeah. I have made it a habit to Leach and mooch off of their apartment and I am sleeping on this couch all the time with cat hair lathered into my mouth. If we racked it all together. Hamza owe us about, I don't know, three months, four months of rent work. The vibe is Hamza, can you please move in? Can you please move in? Me being like, no, <laugh>, the vibe is the doorbell at 5:00 AM Cause Hamza's outside after appointment. I'm sure <laugh>. I'm a Leecher. I'm a lecher, but I'm so excited to be. No, but it's all love because it's, you know, it's all family here. It's all family here. I am so excited to be contributing to this podcast and I can't wait to just jump into these segments and conversations. So thank you for having me. And you're gonna see me again. Are
Speaker 1 00:01:21 You guys expecting me to add something? Cuz you both looked at me. Go
Speaker 0 00:01:24 Ahead.
Speaker 1 00:01:26 Zel is actually half of our theme song. Oh, we're rolling. Say. Oh,
Speaker 0 00:01:30 We're rolling. Hamsa says, if she
Speaker 1 00:01:31 Starts now, she's never gonna finish <laugh>.
Speaker 2 00:01:35 Oh my God. We're rolling. If she's thoughts now, she's never gonna finish. Throw goddamn door. Fuck you up. Do it. I'll literally, we're fine. We're rolling. The jobs, the economy. Don't me. Four, 10 minutes now. Then maybe you should ask yourself if you're the problem <laugh>. Um, he has some, he has issues. Um, do I need to tone it down? Do I need to tone everything down?
Speaker 0 00:02:08 We have our first live studio audience of the pod today. We have a Pa Uhhuh. Now we have a pa. Good, good. Can I, can I hit this? The vibe when hitting a jewel is very like, can I just, I've been binge watching the Hunger Games recently. Have you guys ever seen it? No.
Speaker 1 00:02:25 Yes. If you guys got chosen to bite in the Hunger Games, what would you do? So
Speaker 0 00:02:30 For those of us listening that aren't aware of the concepts, even though I can convince that I'm one of the only people who haven't seen it yet. But what is it you're chosen from a district? You have to fight till the death. Whoever wins work.
Speaker 1 00:02:39 If I was chosen to fight in it, I would kill myself right there. <laugh>. I would be like, no, I'm not doing this about that. And I would just, I would
Speaker 0 00:02:45 Strut out into the middle of that field and say, who's trying to get their dick socked? That's what I was doing. <laugh>.
Speaker 1 00:02:50 That's a good tactic. Would you then kill them or would you would be like, I think
Speaker 0 00:02:53 It's a little distracted. They'd end up killing me first. Uhhuh <affirmative>.
Speaker 1 00:02:55 Uhhuh <affirmative>. Is that kind of a good thing though?
Speaker 0 00:02:58 It might be go out with a bang, you know? Yeah. If we're gonna give a more reality based answer, I think that I would just find like a supply of water nearby <laugh> and then just <laugh> and then just wait it out until everyone is realistically dead and then just kind of have a sneak attack on the last person that's there. I need you to know that my answer was realist. That's what I would do. <laugh>. Yeah. Like I'm not, I actually think
Speaker 1 00:03:19 That's a good tactic to just hide.
Speaker 0 00:03:21 Hide, find some water. Wait until everyone is dead and then you hit your mark whenever you can. The thing is that I do feel like you guys might do pretty well only because I feel like you guys have those nature tactics where you're able to see like what's poisonous? Not me. Not you. So then maybe just you Just me. Just you.
Speaker 1 00:03:37 If it was just us three. Oh,
Speaker 0 00:03:39 I would win. Oh, I would win. I don't know. I
Speaker 1 00:03:41 Would be like, guys, should we just kill
Speaker 0 00:03:43 Holly would be the first time I think Holly would be dead. Yeah, Holly would Weak. I mean, Holly's not weak-minded. She's very intelligent, but I think that when it comes to physical strength, me and you can fully pin her arms down and slaughter her <laugh>. You know
Speaker 1 00:03:55 They can't argue that. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:03:57 Mm mm. Theater kids. How do we feel about them? Do we love them? First of all, I would like to say this, I think that we as a friend group, by the way, for all of us listening, me, Holly Hamza and a couple of other people have been friends since we were five years old. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, our friend group would have been theater kids had we not done drugs at a young age. Exactly.
Speaker 1 00:04:22 No, you wouldn't have <laugh>.
Speaker 0 00:04:23 Yeah. If I didn't meet you bitches, I would've been a theater kid. Yeah. Literally. You know what it is? It also depends on our confidence. Would we have had the confidence to audition for a play while also dealing with the anxiety of being gay, but in the closet it
Speaker 1 00:04:37 Wouldn't even be about that. I feel like it would be about you finding it cringey and not wanting to be a part of the cringe. But
Speaker 0 00:04:45 I also
Speaker 1 00:04:45 Think like you wouldn't wanna be like, I don't know, what's an example of a play that the high school would do? Like I have no idea.
Speaker 0 00:04:49 West side story. What's that? Like singing one grease grease.
Speaker 1 00:04:53 Could you get up there and do that? No.
Speaker 0 00:04:55 No. Maybe now. But I feel like where I was in high school now, no. Cause I don't care where we were was around the corner smoking, doing us pod. Yeah, <laugh>. <laugh>. Yeah. It also depends on like where your personality gravitates and I think our personality can sometimes be a little bit more dark. Humored styled where I think a lot of the theater kids are sort of buttoned up. Kind of clean. Very clean. Yeah. And also like woke. I feel like they have that wokeness, which is great. It's good to be woke. It's good to have that understanding.
Speaker 1 00:05:23 I wonder, do they have money generally? Is that a thing that could be a connection or No? I don't know.
Speaker 0 00:05:27 Across the board. Cuz we went to a kind of rich school-ish. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:05:31 And
Speaker 0 00:05:32 I feel like they were all rich. Like all the theater kids were like the rich kids. But I don't know if that's the way it is everywhere.
Speaker 1 00:05:37 I feel like the broken kids just dropped to the bottom land there and then they just find each other. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and then throughout years just go through beef and returning to each other and beef. Never growing, never <laugh>.
Speaker 0 00:05:48 Never. Never growing. Changing. Because I also remember in high school we would always try to like scavenge up money just for some alcohol and some weeds. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it was just like, I mean who knows? Maybe theater kids use theater as an outlet to just live out their sober fantasies where we
Speaker 1 00:06:01 A healthy outlet.
Speaker 0 00:06:02 A healthy outlet where I feel like we relied on drugs and alcohol to like <laugh>. You know, prescription pills. Prescription pills. You know, to like fill whatever void we might have been potentially dealing with. Michael, that bottle is done. <laugh>. I'm gonna grab the red wine. I'm walking away. Okay. Okay. Oh, oh yeah. We have a pa here. Thank you Simone. We have a PA baby. I'm gonna keep my ass sat down. <laugh>. Is that it Right there. Thank you. Um oh, thank you so much. I would like a six. Sounds poor. Thank you. Thank you. Wow. Wow. That was crisp. It was very crisp. That was so satisfying. Oh it was Rice crispies. One of the privileges of being a bartender is I get to bring home expired wine. Isn't that like unhealthy
Speaker 1 00:06:43 Is more expired wine. More alcoholic.
Speaker 0 00:06:45 Right. With hallucinogenic. I'm not doing wine to you know, center myself and to become healthy. I'm doing it to dehydrate myself at an escalated rate. Yes. To the point of delusion and yes. You know, so I don't care if it's expired. I feel like I don't like wine. I feel like it's just too sugary. I agree. I love it. Gives you a big hangover. If I ever sat down and had a glass of wine with dinner, that's nice. But when I'm drunk off of wine, I am crying in the shower. Yeah. Red wine is the sad drunk. It's the emotional drunk. It's like I don't wanna go home and like walk and listen to laers already. White wine. I feel more of a lightness to it. I feel Buck
Speaker 1 00:07:19 White wine.
Speaker 0 00:07:20 I love white wine. It
Speaker 1 00:07:21 Tastes like vomit. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:07:22 Holly is anti-white wine. That's a fact. Remember that really unhealthy period where like you were in Brooklyn, you were just drinking all the time. <laugh>. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Speaker 1 00:07:36 Yeah. I was going to like a bottle of wine a day just
Speaker 0 00:07:39 To sleep. And now you're in Queens drinking all the time. Ah.
Speaker 1 00:07:42 At that time it was like drinking to sleep. Now it's drinking while I'm like making dinner. Yeah. Such it's
Speaker 0 00:07:48 Like a healthy thing now. You know, Holly has the healthy drinking habits of like one glass is enough for her for the day.
Speaker 1 00:07:55 Although, you know what I do sometimes. Sometimes I drink just so that the vape hits better. Does anyone else get that? Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:08:02 There's just this more satisfying rip when you know you're feeling a little buzz and then you take that one nick hit and you're just like, <laugh>.
Speaker 1 00:08:10 You just like have been hitting the vape all day long. It's just no longer working the same. But you just need to feel something. You're just like empty.
Speaker 0 00:08:19 You are drinking not to feel the effects of alcohol, but you're drinking to feel the effects of another drug on top of
Speaker 1 00:08:25 Alcohol sometimes. Yeah. You know
Speaker 0 00:08:27 Love. I know. I'm like hitting Michaels. I'm hypocritical. I know. It's, I'm hitting Michaels in hypocritical for tho For those of us who do not have the Patreon exclusive whatever going, keep getting the Don't talk over me boo. Keep going, keep going. Start my sentence. For those of us who are not getting the Patreon exclusive and are not getting the footage, Hamza is literally ripping my nicotine to the point where I'm gonna have to buy a new one tomorrow morning while the words are coming out of his mouth that he quit nicotine. Okay. You know, but I wanted to go down this segment that I feel like almost isn invalidated now. Um, but yeah, no I am on my non-nicotine era. So it's like I have a vape but it's like a non-nicotine one because I'm trying to transition off of like being a addicted. Congratulations. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. But you know, when I see a neck I'm gonna hit a a There's
Speaker 1 00:09:11 Only that person too that you hit their vape all the time. In the beginning they're like, yeah, sure. Whatever. Slowly you start to see the resentment in their face every time you ask. We're a hit of their vape.
Speaker 0 00:09:21 It's my eye twitching going. Yeah, no, no problem. My eye twitching. It's you being like that's gonna be 50 99 that I have to spend again in like three days. 50, 99. Mama. Try 20. Oh mama 20. Mama 20. Cause I get the box Muk, our pa our very kind PA is pouring. So kind a few ice cubes into Holly's apple juice and bicardi. Yes. Love that. Love that energy. Are you in the tropics, holly? No.
Speaker 1 00:09:44 <laugh>. And this isn't a good combination. I'm just saying. Um,
Speaker 0 00:09:48 It's summer now. Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:09:49 It was beautiful today. It
Speaker 0 00:09:51 Was. I was dripping in sweat. I was complaining the entire time. I loved it. Yes, I loved it.
Speaker 0 00:09:58 You're gay. No I'm not. Oh, sorry for assuming. Yeah, like, sorry. No, sorry. Um, your, oh. Oh God, do Oh God. Can we, do you think maybe we can edit. Cut this out. Cut it. No, we could edit this out. Oh, we can edit post. We can. I'm sorry for assuming. No, I'm, I just, I just by your demeanor it's, I just assumed you were a fag. <laugh>. <laugh>. Do you wanna tell the story Sal? I work in a place we had a drag night. Hamza came, me and him went in drag. Hamza decides to have a dance battle with the cis woman. They are popping it and locking it and then Huma's knee rotates to the backside of his leg and he's laying on the ground for three hours in a puddle. Yeah. Should
Speaker 1 00:10:39 We include pictures? Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:10:40 You know, the vibe was here I am thinking we have a gig, we're drinking all night. The drinks are free because technically we're royalty tonight and I'm having this dance battle with this girl. So I'm dropping it low and I'm getting back up and I'm dropping it low and I'm getting back up. And then when I tried to get back up, my knee went and it fully snapped. I'm lying on the floor and I'm like, oh my god, I feel a bone. Michael is like, hums up. Get up. What are you doing? Get up. I literally
Speaker 1 00:11:05 Thought you were being dramatic. Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:11:06 Literally. I was just like, no, I cannot. I literally feel a bone piercing outta my leg. All of a sudden the club's lights went on and I'm on that floor for like three hours until the paramedics game. You even said when you were in the puddle shivering, you said, I know this is gonna be really iconic, but right now <laugh>, I just wanna die. No, because my biggest fear in life was breaking a bone and it was just happening and I was belligerently drunk. It got to the point that I was like, I refused to die and for my dad to find me in makeup. So the vibe was me laying in a puddle of cold water, ripping off all my wig, ripping off my eyelashes, taking off my makeup, being like, do I look like a guy now? Please,
Speaker 1 00:11:49 Do
Speaker 0 00:11:49 You love me now? Do
Speaker 1 00:11:50 You love me?
Speaker 0 00:11:55 So we were asked ai. Ai, we were asked, we <laugh> <laugh>, we were asked, we were asked by our PA how we feel about artificial intelligence and its role in art. Whether it be script writing, graphic design. I think
Speaker 1 00:12:09 Fuck that.
Speaker 0 00:12:10 I do think that when it comes to script writing, that's a totally separate category. But as someone who is not good at school, I don't even know if I should say this <laugh>, I'm sorry. Don't, don't even know if I should say this. When I was in college, girl, and I won't say what college, but I paid bitches to do my assignment. <laugh> <laugh>. And I mean, I won't say what college and I didn't graduate from it. Mm. Who knows why, but I know why. You know, mama, I don't like assignments. I don't like homework. I don't like doing any of it. I would 100% pay or use a robot to do assignments for me. But I do think that when it comes to scripts, that's like a creative thing that I feel like should be within one's mind and not be used for that. Because at that point, why are you in the industry? The
Speaker 1 00:12:49 Problem would be not that a script writer is using ai, it's that a producer or a director is replacing a human being. Scriptwriter with AI technology. I feel
Speaker 0 00:12:59 A lot of things about this topic. First of all, in a perfect world it could be used in a nice way to create references, blah blah, blah. Schedule. I not schedule maybe, but I Well sometimes you can use AI to like calculate a workout program for you. No, we're talking about specifically like AI where you type in like Martin Luther King riding a horse and it paints a picture of Martin Luther King riding a horse. You know, like whatever you type in it'll create. Yes, it's fun. It's fun. I do think it has the potential to be scary in terms of replacing jobs, but I also feel like keep that energy when it comes to your self checkout. Keep that energy always. Because I remember as a little cashier boy, as a little cashier boy, when self checkout became a thing, I was offended. I was like, what the fuck do you mean self checkout?
Speaker 0 00:13:40 The hell still to this day I refuse to go on a self checkout line because I'm like, no, I loved working in a supermarket for a period of time and I feel like fuck self checkout. It's a lot like being a bartender, like little old ladies at the supermarket just telling me about their grandkids and whatever. Like it's a huge part of society and I feel like fuck self checkout, you know, you know I love self checkout. Sorry. Uh, I just feel like when I'm, when I'm running late, when I just have three items, I'm not gonna wait on a line that has 10 people on it. If I see the self checkout is available, it's about convenience. Well, okay. That's one thing. I've been in grocery stores where it's a majority self checkout and there's one worker just fuck self checkout. No, I get that. It's one thing to have like cash registers, like people, human beings and then also self-checkout. But it's another thing to only have self-checkout. When you read self checkout, do you put a little something in the bag without swiping it? No.
Speaker 1 00:14:29 No. I can tell you what's good about ai medical shit.
Speaker 0 00:14:33 Yes.
Speaker 1 00:14:34 The iPhone, even the Apple watch can feel your heart rate. I was reading this article about how they're working on using that stuff to monitor all of your like essential things. And I feel like, um, why am I spending $30 every time I go to the doctor, the watches and the AI will just eliminate that. You can do that shit on your own. I've read an article about this. Someone who was previously a doctor in his early days when someone came in with an illness or whatever, they would tell him the symptoms. Then he would go around back and look up the symptoms and what the diagnosis is like on Google. He probably had his own book or some shit, but like same shit. You know, like I, we could do that. We do that. Anyways,
Speaker 0 00:15:15 I'm gonna say that I, I'm assuming that that's an outlier kind of situation and no,
Speaker 1 00:15:21 So I
Speaker 0 00:15:21 Also <laugh> you can disagree but I just feel like maybe we shouldn't trust all doctors or whatever. But I feel like there's certain things where you need a doctor.
Speaker 1 00:15:29 Here's another thing. My dad's ex-girlfriend's son, he was like a spine, what do you call those doctors? Chiropractor? Yeah. And he did his practice through an app. It checks if you have, what do you call that?
Speaker 0 00:15:40 Scoliosis? Yeah, scoliosis. Yep.
Speaker 1 00:15:42 It's like a $700 app. So nobody does it. But when you look at the numbers of how much you pay in medical bills, you can just get the fucking app yourself at that point. I do
Speaker 0 00:15:51 Agree. Okay. Google. I do think that there is a danger sometimes with going on Google. Sometimes it's like you'll have a headache and then you'll go on Google and it'll say that you have a brain tumor. Holly will fully be like, I have testicular cancer. I get it. Doctors go through like a lot of years worth of education and they do do things that I feel like realistically we are not qualified to do.
Speaker 1 00:16:10 But AI would replace that and then we could just have AI do it for us.
Speaker 0 00:16:13 AI would replace that and they could just do it for us. But I do think that we need doctors. Yeah. Tell say uh, Alexa perform open heart surgery on me. Sorry. Like I feel like, hold on, let just shut this bitch up. <laugh>. I get what you're saying. Yeah. You could Google the symptoms of a cold. I do feel like there is a time and a place for a trained professional. Like when my knee broke, what am I gonna do if my mom didn't, because my mom had no symptoms. She's not on Google. If she didn't go to the doctor for a checkup, she would've never known she had cancer. But she
Speaker 1 00:16:41 Also had to get a second opinion, which makes the thing scary in the sense that like, uh, what was I gonna say? I
Speaker 0 00:16:47 Don't know. But it was probably invalid. No, no,
Speaker 1 00:16:49 It isli. It's valid. The thing is that we're all right. The fact is doctors are human beings and so you don't know who you can trust. Totally. You don't know who's saying the right thing and you're expected to trust them. When it comes
Speaker 0 00:16:59 To the human body, doctors are just a messenger between science and the person. Like yes, they are just people at work, but they are just relying a message through their knowledge. Like you need to know certain things. So I know you're not saying never go to the doctor again, but I do think saying, oh I'm just gonna rely on Google and my Apple watch is gonna tell me if my heart rate's fine. I do think that that can get a little outta hand. I think the pen,
Speaker 1 00:17:22 No, I think right now we can't do that. We obviously have to go to the doctor. Right now what I'm saying is there's promise in the future if the earth survives it of AI replacing doctors. But like,
Speaker 0 00:17:32 Okay, in that scenario, are you doing like a blood test? Like are they running tests through AI or is it just these are my symptoms and this is how I feel? Because you could have symptoms for something. You could not have symptoms for something.
Speaker 1 00:17:42 AI will have better statistics and numbers for all of that. You will be able to put tiny robots into your like swallow it through like a pill. Mm. Which sounds bad. It sounds bad.
Speaker 0 00:17:51 I've swallowed worse.
Speaker 1 00:17:53 But AI is so smart. It will get to the point that it statistically it will be able to infer the numbers and the data that it collects from you. Way better than doctors. The
Speaker 0 00:18:02 Thing is that I do think it's to each their own. Like if you wanna go on ai go ahead. If you wanna go to a doctor, go ahead. Are we really trying to help one another? Because back then people when they felt sick, they would just pick out berries and like make a herbal concoction in order to benefit each other, which is hot.
Speaker 1 00:18:17 Here's a sense where we can't be taken advantage of. Just like how cable took advantage of us and now we have streaming services that cost much less and we don't have to watch commercials for half the price of cable.
Speaker 0 00:18:29 You're forgetting how horrible the commercials were on cable. That's
Speaker 1 00:18:32 What I'm saying. Cable costs more and we had to watch commercials. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. I get what you're saying in the sense like if you're feeling some sort of thing, go to a doctor, don't
Speaker 0 00:18:39 Want Google. If you have fucking symptoms, don't do it. Exactly. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:18:43 If you're paranoid going to Google and going to the doctor ends up with the same result, you go to Google, you're like, ah, you go to the doctor, they're like, you're fine. You're like, you're lying. But has
Speaker 0 00:18:52 It ever and then leave in
Speaker 1 00:18:53 Your life you spend money. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:18:54 Has it ever in your life what? Where you feel like you have a certain symptom that Google could have answered but then the doctor said the same exact thing. And I'm talking about like beyond.
Speaker 1 00:19:02 No, they're usually, every time I go to the doctor they're like, you're fine. I'm like, I'm still not fine and you're lying to me
Speaker 0 00:19:08 And let me tell y'all why. Because Holly will fully just sneeze and be like, I have cancer. And go to the doctor and they're like, you're fine. But then Holly will have her leg in the kitchen and her body in her room and then Google why that was the case. She cherry picks and she picks and she chooses when to Google and when not to. And that's why <laugh>.
Speaker 1 00:19:28 Okay. But AI will be able to give me the answers and I'll be like, thanks AI <laugh>.
Speaker 0 00:19:36 Can I tell you something disgusting and horrible. So we in apartment one R have taken our drain stopper, like our hair stopper out of our bathroom sink. So you could just, it's a hole down to the floor, down to the pipes, whatever. It works. Wonderful. But you could look down the hole and what you see is a gelatinous, it's orange, it's gelatinous and it's coating the entirety of the pipe. Which is fine. However,
Speaker 1 00:20:02 I mean it would still be like that even if the thing was, it would be
Speaker 0 00:20:05 Like that regardless. But what I'm saying is we are also in apartment one our a household where we don't have a water filter for our drinking water. And now when I drink water from our faucet, I'm envisioning a gelatinous one to six centimeter thick layer of yellow gelatinous crud. Not
Speaker 1 00:20:27 Me <laugh>. If
Speaker 0 00:20:27 It, if it makes you feel better, if it makes you feel better. New York City's tap water apparently is the best tap water now. No, I know it is, but it's going through CRA on the way there. But I'm still gonna drink it and I still, you know, I stay hydrated. You know
Speaker 1 00:20:38 That card is probably just phlegm. Ew. I don't feel like you guys are doing it, but I know I'm like,
Speaker 0 00:20:44 You don't think I'm doing it Mama? You don't hear me in my room.
Speaker 1 00:20:47 I don't. Do you hear me? No you don't.
Speaker 0 00:20:49 I don't hear you.
Speaker 1 00:20:50 Oh my God, that's great news. No,
Speaker 0 00:20:52 Well why would I hear you?
Speaker 1 00:20:54 I dunno. Because I thought that everyone would hear me like in the morning.
Speaker 0 00:20:57 The, I mean cuz the only, every once in a while I hear music in the shower. That's the only time I ever hear anything from you. Huh? I don't hear the bathroom is like a bubble kitchen.
Speaker 1 00:21:06 That is great. Yes. Kitchen
Speaker 0 00:21:07 And living room. I hear everything. Bathroom. It's like the door is closed.
Speaker 1 00:21:11 Yeah, but you have a window into the
Speaker 0 00:21:13 Bathroom. I don't know, there's something about it. I guess there's some like, well your AC is always on, my acs always on. But also you want to make sure that if you do Papa Lui that you clean that shit after. I don't really love the bitches who will visibly see toothpaste in the sink and they're just like, I'm not gonna clean that. No, same.
Speaker 0 00:21:30 Oh, do you wanna know a funny fact? Okay, let me give a funny fact to everybody in the room. Simone RPA is now holding a bottle of wine in him holding this bottle of wine. What I am realizing is I have been drinking a bottle of wine that was not the original bottle of wine. I thought Simone is holding the bottle of wine that I took from my job yesterday. What was the other bottle? The bottle of wine that I've been drinking, that I've been keeping to myself. The fact tasted like rot garbage disgust. Oh no. Has actually been, I'm not exaggerating or joking about what? How long has it been in the apartment? Holly? How long has that red bottle of wine been in the apartment? Oh
Speaker 1 00:22:04 Wait, no, not that long.
Speaker 0 00:22:05 It's been like four months, right? Oh my god. No, I
Speaker 1 00:22:08 Thought we threw that one out.
Speaker 0 00:22:09 So then drink Riccardi. Just drink. He's the moldy.
Speaker 1 00:22:12 Was it the moldy one?
Speaker 0 00:22:13 No, it wasn't the one with the cork. The one with the cork was here for like a year. <laugh>, the one with the cork was a prop alum. This was the twist off. It's been about four months since that bottle has been here. Oh
Speaker 1 00:22:22 Fuck. It's okay.
Speaker 0 00:22:23 No, but it's fine. I'm feeling good. I'm not collapsed.
Speaker 1 00:22:26 Whatever. Worst case scenario you have diarrhea, you throw up. Worst case
Speaker 0 00:22:29 Scenario, actually I collapse over right now with the mic plugged in and our views skyrocket and it'll make you, it'll make you skinny if anything. Yeah, maybe I'll throw up. Well maybe don't drink that. Maybe a Holly offered you Picardi drink Picardi. Because this new bottle that Simone's handing me is actually, oh, it has a date on it. Oh, turn into the children work. It expired on 5 12 5 2, which is, which was a month ago? No, it was like a week ago. A month ago. Five. Oh. May, no, today's January, February, March and April. May five. No, but the thing is that today's May 8th. So if that's five 12, that's April. No, five two. Oh, so it hasn't expired yet. It expired. Oh, it's expired a week ago. Sorry, I just get really nervous.
Speaker 0 00:23:13 How do you guys feel about your goals and your careers when it comes to backstage, when it comes to your waiting, but yet you wanna be a drag queen? Like where do we feel like, so I'm a waiter, so that's how you see bartenders across America where everybody, so my hopes and aspirations have always been to be happy and it's never quite worked out. However, I feel like it's the best goal to have in the world. Do I go to college? No. Do I have a stable career path ahead of me? No. Do I make enough money to survive in this world now? Do I focus on myself and nothing but myself throughout my life? Yes. So I feel like I gotta be doing something right. Totally valid. Totally valid. I think at the end of the day, being a happy individual is the best thing that we can do in order for us to achieve greatness.
Speaker 0 00:24:01 Yeah. For me it's like I have these opportunities to work a practical career just for the sake of like making money. But I'm also just like, I wanna live my dreams of being an actor, but I feel like realistically I apply to audition after audition and it's just like you never hear anything back and it's just like so unmotivating because you're just like, oh, like I wanna live my dreams and I want to be an actor, but at the same time I'm not getting any calls. So am I going to soon settle for a practical career.
Speaker 1 00:24:28 Um, I wanna tell you guys something. I think you guys are rock stars. You're a
Speaker 0 00:24:32 Rockstar.
Speaker 1 00:24:32 You guys are stars and you're brilliant and you're talented. Thank you. If I ever get rich work, I will buy a mansion and you will both have a room and you'll both have a manager. Love
Speaker 0 00:24:43 It has been heard here on the podcast. It is in stone.
Speaker 1 00:24:48 I will take care of you. I will be your sugar mama. Love
Speaker 0 00:24:52 Love, love love, love all.
Speaker 1 00:24:54 I'm not saying that I'll get there, but I'm trying and I'm taking you with me because I think you guys will make me bigger. Probably <laugh>
Speaker 0 00:25:02 A hundred percent. Hundred
Speaker 1 00:25:03 Percent. Having talent lying around helps.
Speaker 0 00:25:05 You know what it is. But that's the thing. It's like we try and we try and we try and it's like all we can do is just keep going, but it's like when is it going to happen? Right. You know, we do these little tiny projects and it's okay if I'm not on Brad Pitt level, it's okay if I'm not on Angelina Jolie level, that's fine. As long as I'm working within the industry, that's okay.
Speaker 1 00:25:21 I've been reading this book, atomic Habits and he said that people don't get into good habits because they don't see reward immediately. And it goes like this, there's a plateau and then all of a sudden one extra step brings you up. But the thing is that one extra step wouldn't have brought you up if you didn't have all the reward list steps ahead of it.
Speaker 0 00:25:40 A hundred
Speaker 1 00:25:40 Percent. And he said that a lot of people always feel like it's getting them nowhere. That's me. But eventually it will get you somewhere. I'm
Speaker 0 00:25:46 A lot of people, I need immediate satisfaction from everything and that's why am you know, rotting. And that's why I, you know, have friends like Holly Goldsmith who heat me together. Who put a microphone in front of my face.
Speaker 1 00:25:59 It's okay, I'm gonna try to get rich and then we can be like the entourage, which is way too straight for you guys to have ever seen. Imagine
Speaker 0 00:26:06 I got um, <laugh>. Imagine I like hit the lottery and I was a rich one. That would be shocked. That'd be so fierce. That'd be amazing. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, apartment one R is with us till the ends of time. We are gonna fully be taping what goes down in apartment one R and apartment two B one day. And I live, yes, work. Do you like our content? Do you love me? Are you not homophobic? You should probably subscribe. You should probably like and subscribe. Also, I want everybody to comment because me and Holly had a little debate earlier. Do you think the podcast needs to be called Apartment one R? Spell out the word apartment. That way when I'm somewhere and I say hi, subscribe to apartment one R, they can go home and type it. Or do you think we should keep it cute? Keep it simple. Keep it clean. Keep it precise. Should it be a p t one R Comment on below. Whether this be on Instagram, whether this be on YouTube,
Speaker 1 00:26:49 HUMS is already <laugh>. Here it is. Comment.
Speaker 0 00:26:52 A p t one R. You think so? Because I feel like it's still very much references to apartment and one R. Like why do you need it all spelled out?
Speaker 1 00:26:59 Okay, PA Simone, what do you think? Don't
Speaker 0 00:27:01 Be biased.
Speaker 1 00:27:02 He doesn't wanna give an answer.
Speaker 0 00:27:03 No, let him speak. What?
Speaker 1 00:27:06 <laugh>. Oh, ok. We have an E even right now. Okay,
Speaker 0 00:27:09 So yeah, we, we we need a deal breaker. We need a brave deal breaker. Even we need a deal breaker in the comments down below because we have split down the middle here in apartment one R. We need a deal breaker down in the common slope. But I mean, think about it. Holly, apartment one R. It's
Speaker 1 00:27:24 No, no, no. My vote is a p t. Oh. So
Speaker 0 00:27:26 What was your vote? Their vote? My vote is apartment. Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:27:28 Their votes are apartment. Oh, we're pt.
Speaker 0 00:27:31 Well I thought that it was like you two on the same side. No. And him being on your side. No, I feel like a p t it's, it's still very much emphasizes apartment one R and it's short, it's concise and it'll grab, you
Speaker 1 00:27:42 Can spit it in a circle. It'll grab
Speaker 0 00:27:44 However I feel like. I agree. But go, when I tell you, go type in a because uh, don't be lying to me in the comments. You guys clicked on a link. Okay, Kayla. Okay. Kayla Lane, I see you. Okay. Chilena Cook. I see you, you guys clicked on a motherfucking link. Gianna Halo. You guys clicked on a link. If I told you you have to type in, you have to go on apartment one R, you would type in apartment one R, you wouldn't type in a p t, but at the same time, if it's a link, would you keep emphasizing they're just gonna click a button? Because those of us who love us, keep up with us, who keep up on the socials, they get the link. But those of us listening across America, hello Bethany from Idaho.
Speaker 1 00:28:20 Subscribe to apartment one R. That's a p T one R.
Speaker 0 00:28:23 Exactly. There's a long word for it, but yet still a small abbreviation because realistically we need a deal breaker. No, realistically nowadays everything is link oriented. No one ever really types up anything. It's always link oriented. It's always like clicking it from an Instagram. I'm also a 98 year old. So icu, you Carol from Long Island. Yes. I'm a 98 year old. We, we feel sympathy for Carol, but I do think that a p t fits in a circle. It's also like one R is so small and little in of a sentence that I think a p t one R just aesthetically looks and views better than apartment, which is a long ass word than one R. I
Speaker 1 00:28:55 Agree.
Speaker 0 00:28:56 So, you know, have a little, have a little debate in the comment section and we'll see, we'll see what the listeners decide. So a P T one R or apartment one R. For those of us listening on our commute to work, do me a favor, don't stop at a Starbucks bitch. You are broke as hell. Why
Speaker 1 00:29:12 Don't you go ahead and invest in a little coffee maker, a keeg
Speaker 0 00:29:15 A little. I got a cure rag. Wonder what I want? I want that little sleek motherfucker. I want
Speaker 1 00:29:20 Get some coffee filters and just put it over some shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>.
Speaker 0 00:29:23 Yeah. Me and Holly in this apartment, in apartment one R we do things the old fashioned way. We have a cure rig not plugged in with the coffee bean in. And we have, um, not a kit, right, but some, like you bought it aside, we
Speaker 1 00:29:35 Put boiling water over it.
Speaker 0 00:29:36 We just pour boiling water over the hoe.
Speaker 1 00:29:38 I interrupted you though.
Speaker 0 00:29:40 I, well, <laugh> like subscribe. Thank you so much. We love you and I hope you guys have an amazing and wonderful sweet and amazing night. Bye bye Tulu. Wow.
Speaker 4 00:29:54 This podcast was brought to you. Bye. No one.